Many entrepreneurs out there have great ideas but get stuck on their first big leap into action and ask themselves…Should I prototype my idea or start crowdfunding first? Should you get started…
Manufacturing in the United States has gone through ebbs and flows over the years and emerging technology is now re-structuring our entire view on the future of the industry. Additive…
An article published recently in the McKinsey Quarterly, 3-D printing takes shape, provides a great comprehensive view of the additive manufacturing industry. If you have not had a chance to…
We are excited to announce that 3D Innovations will be participating in the Honolulu District Science Fair this weekend at Kapiolani Community College! Collin Kobayashi, our President & Chief 3D Officer, was…
Last week Entrepreneur posted an outstanding article regarding the importance of a prototype when you are searching for funding (To Attract Funding, Develop a Prototype). This article goes on to…
We are looking for Industrial Designers to share their knowledge and thoughts on what goes into the design process with our team. We would love to talk with you about…
Social media is still buzzing from CES 2014. We have really enjoyed reading all of the different articles about innovative technology, the future of consumer products, and (of course) 3D…
About this time of year we start seeing articles listing the top technologies and technology advancements of the past year. As we search through these articles one thing remains clear,…
3D Academy, A Division of 3D Innovations, LLC provides training services specializing in 3D Computer Aided Design (CAD) and 3D Printing Technology. 3D Academy promotes Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math…