Our President and Chief 3D Printing Officer, Collin Kobayashi, was a participant at the Hawaii STEM Conference over the past weekend and below is his summary from the event…
“The 2014 STEMWorks Conference included over 300 students from 15+ schools across the state. With breakout sessions from 3D Design to Game Design, students were exposed to many industry technologies and got opportunities to learn about them from experts. The conference also included onsite design competitions which included Digital Media, Game Design, 3D Design (Product Design) and Video Design. Students were given tasks for each competition and were required to produce content according to the specifications given.
Guest speakers included a mapping expert from National Geographic, Economic Development leader, and former technology student turned entrepreneur. They shared their knowledge and expertise, providing insight on the importance of technology and the various applications available.
All in all, it was another great event that showcased the STEM projects and activities going on in the state and collaborative effort in providing opportunities to our future workforce.”
View pictures from the event on our 3D Innovations Facebook page!
3D Innovations is a full service 3D Engineering/Design company – from the 3D Design to a fully functional 3D Prototype & Product.
3D Academy, A Division of 3D Innovations, LLC provides training services specializing in 3D Computer Aided Design (CAD) and 3D Printing Technology.