3D Academy Event: 3D Printing & CAD Design Using LEGO (October 10-14th)

3D Printing and CAD CampToday marks the first day of our collaborative “3D Printing and CAD Design using LEGO” event with Play-Well TEKnologies. Our 3D Academy team is excited to kickoff this event and to teach engineering and design principals to students through interactive play.

This is a week-long camp where students will learn the fundamentals of 3D Printing, CAD Design and Spatial Environments to create their own custom and one-of-a-kind LEGO component to take home.

What is Play-Well TEKnologies?

Play-Well TEKnologies hosts LEGO-inspired engineering classes for kids (Kindergarten through 8th grade).

A little more about Play-Well TEKnologies:

  • We teach approximately 100,000 students per year. We run our engineering programs in approximately 23 states, as well as in France.
  • We have outstanding instructors. They teach year-round and make the curriculum their own, so that each program is a uniquely fun experience.
  • We bring A LOT of LEGO®. With over 20,000 pieces in each class/camp, and hundreds of projects, there is no limit to what you can build.
  • We teach through play, explore, solve problems, and express ourselves through LEGO. Our curriculum is designed by engineers and refined by teachers, but the kids just think it’s fun!
What is 3D Academy?

Our 3D Academy is a division of 3D Innovations and specializes in developing and integrating industry technologies with STEM education.

3D Academy promotes Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) education programs that integrate 3D Technology into K–12, as well as university classrooms. Using hands-on and project based learning strategies, we have been effective in providing students with opportunities to excel in the areas of STEM and to integrate industry applications into their learning experiences.

We will be sharing event updates and photos throughout the week on our Facebook and Twitter pages. Also, keep up-to-date on future events by checking out our 3D Academy website.


3D Innovations is a Product Development Company – from the 3D Design to a fully functional 3D Prototype & Product.

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