August is Inventors Month — Time to Celebrate Innovation

August is Inventors Month and time to celebrate innovation.The month of August is Inventors Month, it is a time to celebrate the dreamers, doers and engineers that shape the world. Inventions are all around us—from the toothbrush you use in the morning, to the car you drive and the bed you lay down on at night—the world is defined by inventors and their relentless pursuit of innovation.

Whether you are an inventor, know and inventor or aspire to be an inventor Inventors Month is for you.

Being an Inventor

Being an inventor is exciting. Those “aha” moments are addictive and what every inventor lives for. Just imagine the gleam in Thomas Edison’s eyes when the incandescent light bulb turned on for the first time or sound came from his phonograph. Or when Professor John Vincent Atanasoff saw his digital computer solve its first math problem. These are the heart pounding, pride filled moments inventors dream of and aspire to have.

3D Innovations is built around supporting inventors and entrepreneurs. We know the challenges that can arise when you are working to develop your idea. Often, inventors have great ideas that can make an impact on their community and the world around us, however executing the idea is its own challenge.

“Ideas are easy. Implementation is hard.” – Guy Kawasaki

Intellectual property, manufacturing, and supply chains all have their own challenges and having a partner in your corner to help guide you along on your journey can make a huge difference.

Supporting an Inventor

While you might not be an inventor, you can show your support to inventors during Inventors Month and beyond. Below are a few suggestions.

  • Feedback. Provide constructive feedback on their invention.
  • Share. When they are ready to launch their invention into the world, share it! Whether you share it on social media, to friends and family or your community, help spread the word about their creation.
  • Guidance. You aren’t an inventor, but you certainly have other skills that could help an inventor launch their invention and startup. Possibly you are a marketing guru, a seasoned accountant or have a vast professional network—providing guidance and lending support is a great way to help.

Aspire to Invent

It is never too early, and you are never too young to start inventing. Young inventors see the world through a different lens than adults.

Take for instance our client, Cassidy Crowley, who invented her patented Baby Toon at the age of 7. She saw how nervous her mom became when her baby sister had a traditional spoon in her mouth and knew there had to be a better baby spoon design. Cassidy went on to a patent her invention, secure a deal on Shark Tank and license her baby spoon Munchkin.

If you have an idea, go for it!


3D Innovations is a Product Development Company – from the 3D Design to a fully functional 3D Prototype & Product.

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