Hardware: Communicating Your ‘Unique Selling Point’ (USP)

Your hardware product doesn’t have to be the first of its kind to the market to be successful, but it must have a unique selling point (USP). A crowded market doesn’t mean that you can’t find success, it just means that you have to really hone in on what makes your product and startup truly unique.

Before the internet grew and globalization exploded, being first-to-market was a lot less challenging. To some extent the global economy has created a situation in which product duplication happens at record speed. Focusing on your hardware product’s USP will allow your startup to differentiate itself and standout in a crowded field as well as in the minds of consumers.

A USP Doesn’t Have to be Tangible

Many people have the idea that a USP must be tangible and visible to consumers—this is not always the case. For example, unparalleled customer service is a USP that cannot be seen, yet it’s an excellent way to drive customers to your business.

Patagonia is a company that has carved out its niche in a crowded industry thanks to its USP of being a sustainable and environmentally responsible company. Customers do not mind paying a premium for their products because the company shares values that closely align with their own. Building a loyal customer base starts with communicating your USP well from the beginning.

customer target marketDefine a Precise Target Market

Know your audience—this is a crucial aspect of a USP. Who are you marketing your hardware product to…Women, men, students, techies, parents, people in their 30s? With a clear understand of your target market, you will be better able to define a USP that matters to them.

It is important to note that while your target market will be narrow, this doesn’t necessarily limit who will buy your product. A product aimed at techies might also be well suited for students. A product aimed at a younger age demographic might also work for older individuals who want to feel young. The important thing is that your USP is clear and consistent.

Maintain a Consistent Message

Your USP should be a consistent voice in all of your marketing and communications. It is fundamental to your startup’s identity. It doesn’t stop there though, your product should also reflect this message. For example, if your company is big on sustainability, your product should be manufactured with materials and in a manner that is closely aligned with this USP. The USP should be engrained into every fiber of your startup. Developing a consistent message, distinctive voice and brand personality is all part of becoming recognizable and unique.

A clear USP will help you differentiate your hardware product and startup, regardless of the industry you are breaking into.


3D Innovations is a Product Development Company – from the 3D Design to a fully functional 3D Prototype & Product.

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