Looking Forward: Technological Advancements

There are advances in technology taking place by the minute. As consumers we barely have time to learn the intricacies of one product before the next version arrives on the shelves. 3D Printing has been around for many years (you can see the history timeline in our blog post, Hit Rewind…The History of 3D Printing), yet there are still many advancements that need to be made in order to maximize its potential. We had a moment to chat with 3D Innovations owner, Collin Kobayashi, and talk about the two technological advancements that he sees on the horizon.

1. Digital Designs: I see digital designs becoming more involved with cloud computing and data storage as more online collaboration becomes popular. Cloud computing is an emerging technology which is revolutionizing the way we interact with the web, project management and team members. As cloud computing becomes more accessible and reliable we will see the digital design process move to the cloud.

2. CAD & Digital Design Data: I also see tablets becoming more involved with CAD and digital design data.  As of now, there are a few apps that allow you to view and markup design data but nothing that really allows for development.  I see the development side of the apps hitting the market sometime later this year.

What technological advancements do you foresee for the 3D CAD and 3D Printing industries?


September 2024

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