New Product Development | How to Get Started

New product development takes an idea and moves it through the development process which ends with successful commercialization.New Product Development (NPD) is the process that takes a product from conception to market. This new product is meant to fill a consumer demand in the marketplace. New product development starts with an idea which then moves through design, prototyping, market testing, manufacturing and ends with commercialization.

How do I start?

A common question we receive is, “how do I start?”. The short answer, it depends.

If you are working with a product development firm, their experts will be able to guide you through the entire new product development process. It is important to keep in mind that no two products are exactly alike, so the product development process will vary slightly depending on your product idea, along with a number of other factors. A product development firm has knowledge of best design methods for manufacturing, intellectual property insight and a range of manufacturing partners to assist with development.

If you plan to develop your product on your own, you are going to want to start with research. First, you will need to get your product into a CAD program so that you can clearly communicate your product design. Next, you will want to find an Intellectual Property attorney to help your research and protect your product. Whether it’s a design, utility patent or both, your attorney will be able to guide you on the best IP protection methods. Your research will also need to include the best prototyping methods for your product and tooling, if you need to use traditional manufacturing methods. From manufacturing to packaging you will want to find either domestic or international partners that you trust and have a proven track record of success.

From New Product Development to Market

Traditionally, developing a product takes time. Getting a product from idea to market will not happen in a matter of weeks. Each step in the product development process takes time and they are not something you want to rush through.

Using 3D CAD and 3D printing technology will certainly help speed up certain aspects of product development with quick turnaround times to help you along the way. With less time needed in these areas you will be able to move forward at a faster pace, however IP and patent law take time. Getting your patents and IP in place is crucial for hardware startups before moving forward with commercialization. As development processes improve and technology matures, product development and innovation will continue to speed up, but be prepared for a marathon and not a sprint to the finish line.

Developing a new product is an exciting time, embrace the journey.

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3D Innovations is a Product Development Company – from the 3D Design to a fully functional 3D Prototype & Product.

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