Whether you are launching a startup or pivoting your current one, one thing is certain, the COVID-19 pandemic has created a business landscape that we have never seen before. This is uncharted territory for all of us—business owners, consumers, suppliers, manufacturers—we are figuring it out together. We have been sharing product development, intellectual property information and startup advice on our blog to help entrepreneurs map their future.
Below is a snapshot of the tips, insight, and advice we have shared.
3D Printing to Assist with COVID-19 Medical Supply Shortages
Hospitals are dealing with an unprecedented shortage of N95 face masks as the COVID-19 pandemic grips the nation. This shortage has led to a creative on-demand solution—3D printing. Hospitals and care facilities are reaching out to 3D printing companies to help fill the short-term need of N95 face masks, face shields and critical ventilator parts.
Building a Startup Around New Consumer Behaviors
Consumer behaviors have shifted in light of the ongoing pandemic, which can spell opportunity when building a product and launching a startup. While there is the obvious change of people working from home and cutting out their daily commute. Others are slightly less obvious. Taking the shift in consumer behaviors into account could mean major opportunities for your startup.
Innovation & Disruption | Developing New PPE Products
Aside from the face shield frames, a lot of ideas have been circling around regarding creating new types of products that focus around PPE (personal protective equipment). Developing PPE products is similar to developing most other products for consumers when it comes to product development and intellectual property protection. However, since PPE products are for medical use there is the additional step of working with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
It’s Time for a Business Pivot | The New Normal
A business pivot does not have to be intimidating, and in fact, might just help you succeed during this unprecedented time. Regulations in place mean that our daily lives will look different as we enter this post COVID-19 pandemic phase of life, and it is time to adapt.
The Long-Term Impact of COVID-19 on Production Manufacturing
For years now manufacturing has been undergoing some major shifts, however the COVID-19 pandemic has propelled these changes forward with new urgency. We all have tossed around the phrase “new normal” due to COVID-19, but when it comes to business and manufacturing that is exactly what is taking place—a fundamental shift to a brand new normal. Production manufacturing has changed for the long-term, and quite possibly for the better.
The COVID-19 pandemic business landscape has left us all with a feeling of uncertainty, however if you look closely, our entire world right now is ripe for innovation.
Have questions about product development, intellectual property, or manufacturing? Send us an email at info@3d-innovations.com
3D Innovations is a Product Development Company – from the 3D Design to a fully functional 3D Prototype & Product.