Top 3D Innovations Blog Posts of 2018

3D Innovations is a leader in product development.To close out the year, we are sharing the top four 3D Innovations blog post of 2018. This past year, our readers were particularly interested in 3D printing technology, how to get your product idea off the ground, product development as well as STEM education.

Get Your Product Idea Off the Ground

Coming up with a product idea is exhilarating—knowing that you have an idea that will help not only yourself, but an entire segment of the population, is the very definition of exciting. So now you have an idea, but you aren’t exactly sure what to do next. Here we have gathered helpful advice and insight into the next stages of your product development journey.

The Benefits of Using 3D Printing Technology in Education

As the cost of 3D printers has dropped significantly in recent years, more schools are able to adopt and incorporate the technology into the curriculum. 3D printing technology promotes active learning and has the power to open a world of career possibilities to students. 3D printing inspires creativity and can help encourage students to explore a career in engineering or science.

What to Expect from Your First Product Development Meeting

Many first-time entrepreneurs want to jump right in and get to work building their product, only to realize that they may not have the exact skillset necessary to develop the product all the way. This is where a product development firm is brought in to aid in the process. It can be nerve-wracking sharing your idea with someone else, and we all like to have a general idea of what we can expect in initial meetings.

Building A Hardware Startup Outside of a Major Tech Hub

We are going to start off with the good news, building a hardware startup outside of a major hub (i.e. Silicon Valley, Boston, L.A.) is possible. In fact, in today’s connected world, these major tech hubs are becoming less and less appealing for entrepreneurs just setting out with their startup. It’s no secret that the cost of living in major tech hubs is astronomical and upfront costs to get your business going also come at a premium. So if you are an entrepreneur looking to launch a product and start a business, but have no desire to pick-up and move, here are a few ideas on how you can successfully launch your hardware startup from your home city.

This past year was fantastic as we helped a number of startups launch their idea and assisted others with various product development and manufacturing solutions. We can’t wait to see what 2019 brings!



3D Innovations is a Product Development Company – from the 3D Design to a fully functional 3D Prototype & Product.

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