Engineering a Solution to the STEM Skills Gap

Using hands-on egineering education to bridge the stem skills gap.Global Engineer Day (April 3rd) was celebrated this past week—engineers from across the globe shared projects they have worked on and gave insight into the lives of professional engineers. This upcoming week it is “Hawaii World of Work Week”, our President & Chief 3D Officer, Collin Kobayashi, will be talking to students (Grades 6-12) about what it means to be a Product Development professional. These two events have us thinking about the engineering profession, the current skills gap and how we can help motivate students to get excited about the engineering field. We have been looking at past blog posts and thought that it would be a good idea to compile a list of some of our most popular STEM education posts for you.

Entrepreneurship Needs STEM Education

While the focus is on educating students around the four subjects—science, technology, engineering and math—the true value of these subject areas goes far beyond an engineering career or science major. STEM education provides a solid foundation for entrepreneurship.

The Changing Landscape of STEM Education

Where once lectures and standardized tests were the main ways to teach and test STEM knowledge, today’s teachers understand that there are better, more hands-on methods, of educating students around STEM subjects.

The way STEM education is being taught has fundamentally shifted and this change will no doubt have a major impact on our future generation of STEM professionals and business leaders.

The Benefits of Using 3D Printing Technology in Education

As the cost of 3D printers has dropped significantly in recent years, more schools are able to adopt and incorporate the technology into the curriculum. 3D printing technology promotes active learning and has the power to open a world of career possibilities to students. 3D printing inspires creativity and can help encourage students to explore a career in engineering or science.

STEM Education: Keeping Your Child Engaged During Summer Break

It turns out that summer is a perfect time to introduce your child to the fun side of STEM subjects. In the summer months, students have more time to focus on what really interests them. They can dig deeper into subject matter, which helps them not only grasp concepts better, but gives them a better understanding of the world around them.

Developing a curriculum that gets students fired up about engineering can be a challenge. Our 3D Academy is your STEM education partner. We specialize in developing and integrating industry technologies with STEM education and can build custom programs for your classroom or school. We understand that closing the STEM education skills gap takes effort from both academia and professionals in the field, and we are happy to work with schools to bring hands-on and project-based opportunities to students.


3D Innovations is a Product Development Company – from the 3D Design to a fully functional 3D Prototype & Product.

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