Fostering an Early Love of STEM Education

Using hands-on egineering education and innovation to bridge the stem skills gap.As the school year ramps up for students many are starting their journey into STEM education, some for the first time. STEM subjects are a critical component of education and our future workforce. A recent article from Forbes, STEM And STEAM Education: Why We Need Them, captures the need for quality STEM education perfectly:

“STEM education is more critical than ever for all children. It’s vital to the future of our workforce, and we need to equip all children with the tools they need to succeed in a competitive economy.” -Becky Lynch, Director of US Community Partnerships at GSK

Below we have gathered some of our most popular STEM related articles. We hope that these pieces inspire both students, teachers and parents alike to delve deeper into the world of STEM education.

3D Academy: Educate to Innovate

Introducing innovation into a classroom can help students turn their passion into future careers. Here we share five ways to help students develop an innovation mindset and build important life-long skills.

Entrepreneurship Needs STEM Education

While the focus is on educating students around the four subjects—science, technology, engineering and math—the true value of these subject areas goes far beyond an engineering career or science major. STEM education provides a solid foundation for entrepreneurship.

Exploring STEM Subjects During Summer Break

While this piece was written for summer, it can be adapted to any school break.

Diving deeper and exploring STEM subjects during summer break allows students to find what truly interests them. In school, there is a curriculum to follow and goals to meet; however, the unstructured summer months let students explore their own interests in science, technology, engineering, and math. They can dig deeper into subject matter, which helps them not only grasp concepts better, but gives them a better understanding of the world around them.

The Changing Landscape of STEM Education

Technological advancements coupled with vocal industry proponents, have successfully transformed the way STEM education is taught. This is great news, because the long-term benefits of STEM education are profound on students’ future career success—whether in a STEM field, or not.

The Benefits of Using 3D Printing Technology in Education

3D printing technology promotes active learning and has the power to open a world of career possibilities to students. 3D printing inspires creativity and can help encourage students to explore a career in engineering or science.

Fostering a love of STEM early-on is a great way to help students use their imaginations, build with their hands and help them understand that they can create the future.


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