The Multi Dish project started the way most great products do, fulfilling a personal need while finding a gap in the marketplace. The Multi Dish integrates both a bowl and plate feature into one that allows the user to have a variety of uses. With an airtight interlocking feature, the plate can be attached to the bowl allowing for secured storage of soups, pasta, and other foods without the worry of leakage. When ready to use, simply twist the parts to the open position and use the bowl and plate separately to enjoy your food.
In this case, the inventor/entrepreneur approached us with an idea, homemade sketch, and a list of product requirements. From this, we got to work on it.
Initial Design to MVP
With the product requirements in hand, a digital design was created. Digital designs are a great way to see your product and get a first peek at the overall aesthetic. Upon completion of this digital design, a prototype was developed to test the functionality of the Multi Dish product. It is one thing to digitally see your idea however, holding that first prototype really brings the whole project to life.
With the initial prototype, some adjustments were made to enhance the unique attributes of the Multi Dish Bowl and Plate Combination. Once the design had been refined, another set of prototypes were made to test the full functionality and for use as the minimum viable product (MVP).
MVP to Pre-Production
The MVP was then used by the inventor to gather customer feedback. Reaching out to your customer base before heading into manufacturing is a critical step that is frequently overlooked. We highly recommend that you ask for product feedback to check that the product design meets and even exceeds customer expectations.
With the customer feedback, small tweaks were made to the final design. The project then moved into pre-production injection molded units. From the initial design of the Multi Dish Bowl and Plate Combo to MVP, it took two months.
Benefits of an Experienced Product Development Partner
The focus of a product development firm is to assist you in the design, development, and commercialization of your product idea. They are experts when it comes to launching a product and working with one substantially cuts down on the time it takes to develop an idea.
A product development partner will speed up the time it takes to develop your product idea because they have the skills and knowledge to efficiently design your product. Their experience will also cut down on development costs since the guesswork during this phase will be eliminated and you can quickly move into production. With an idea and a set of requirements, a design expert will be able to bring your idea to life.
Have additional questions about product development? Send us an email at info@3d-innovations.com
3D Innovations is a Product Development Company – from the 3D Design to a fully functional 3D Prototype & Product.